On Being a Literary Publisher in Australia
Ivor Indyk
As the English novelist Laurence Sterne noted, ‘every man will speak of the fair as his own market has gone in it’ - and since my own perspective is that of an independent literary publisher, I often find myself at odds with the larger world of publishing, and its commercial motives. I don’t know how it is in China, but in Australia there is usually an inverse relation between the literary value of a work, and its commercial value. That is to say, the more literary a book is, the less copies it will sell. There are exceptions of course, but not many. None of Giramondo’s poets earn enough money from their books to live on; and this applies to most of our prose writers too - they all have to find other work to support their writing.
If it is difficult for literary writers to survive, it is difficult also for literary publishers. A highly-regarded poetry book may sell 500 copies; even a highly- regarded work of literary fiction may sell only 2,000 copies. I publish an author who is often mentioned as a Nobel-Prize winner, but whose books struggle to sell more than 1500 copies. In this context, to survive as a publisher is to practise the art of the seemingly impossible - impossible I should say, in relation to the normal expectations of commercial publishing, which depends on returning profit. In our country, that often means returning profit to a parent company in another country.
I was an academic and a critic of Australian literature, before I became a publisher. I am still an academic and a critic of Australian literature, and I see a continuity between my critical and my publishing activities. Indeed, for me, publishing is an act of criticism. Normally criticism is published after the fact - after the publication of the book that is being discussed, sometimes many years after. But I think of publishing as criticism before the fact, before the book is made, and accompanying the process of its making. Criticism in this sense includes for me all those activities that are undertaken in collaboration with the author to ensure that the work achieves its literary potential - editing of course, but also the selection of the work to begin with, all the way through to its presentation to the public at the end of the process. In fact, one of the most difficult critical tasks for me as a publisher is the writing of the 150-word description on the back cover of the book. This is often called, in English, ‘the blurb’, because it heaps praise on the book, but doesn’t really say anything about its significance. I try to avoid hyperbole, and to offer an interpretation of the book that highlights its contribution to Australian writing. It is extremely difficult to offer a meaningful interpretation of a book in 150 words - that is even less than the 800 words that is allowed these days to newspaper reviewers in our country.
I think of myself as a ‘conceptual’ publisher rather than as a commercial publisher. This is because, when I publish a book, I always have my eye on a concept larger than the book or its author - the concept of Australian literature; or more generally, literature; or even more idealistically, posterity. Fortunately, there are agencies which support this larger concept of the work, and provide funding for it - the Australia Council for the Arts, the Copyright Agency Limited, the arts ministries of our state governments, and the universities - either directly, or by listing our books on their courses. There are also a lot of literary prizes in our country. It is this support which allows a literary publisher to think conceptually rather than commercially.
In order to survive by publishing conceptually, or idealistically, with limited means, it is essential to think strategically. This is partly because of the effort required to convince your funding sources to remain committed to you - you have to fall in with their aims and priorities, and satisfy their administrative requirements. But the need to think strategically is also required by the larger idea or concept of literature you are serving, because this never remains static, and is constantly evolving, hopefully in some part because of your own contribution to it.
I would like to give two examples, at this point, of strategies which I have been pursuing recently at Giramondo, in the hope of giving a clearer sense of what I mean by conceptual publishing, that is to say, publishing with the larger idea of literature in mind. The first concerns the new generation of so-called emerging writers in Australia, those who are now in their thirties or early forties. Many of them were educated, at school and at university, in courses which had previously been devoted to literary classics, but which were now open to ‘texts’ of all kinds, films, television series, pop music lyrics, art installations, works of high culture and works of popular culture. At the same time as the internet provided access to an encyclopaedic range of sources to feed this wider curiosity, the new digital technologies gave young would-be authors the means to publish and distribute their writing through blogs and zines and other ‘do- it-yourself’ media, with an immediacy which had no real historical precedent.
In this milieu, neither reading nor writing became a devalued activity, though many people thought it would be. On the contrary, the habit of reading was transferred, from books, to the minutiae of daily life, so often the subject of blogs and zines, to lyrics and scripts and customs, and to an intense scrutiny of personal relationships. The power of obsession, as a source of literary creativity, should not be underestimated - and the new digital environment is perfectly suited to the cultivation of obsession. Moreover the scope for the practice of writing that the new technologies afforded was extraordinary. The best writers from this younger generation, by the time they are ready for book publication, will have been writing endlessly, day and night, for decades - and engaged in a kind of writing which is designed for circulation, no matter how small the readership, within moments of its completion.
This kind of digitally-enhanced writing has its strengths and its weaknesses. The challenge for a literary publisher is not simply one of discrimination: the question is how to relate the strengths of this new writing to the traditions of literature, even though the writer may appear not to know them directly, and may not include in their writing any references to the landmark authors and works by which these traditions are defined. This is, of course, primarily a task of criticism and interpretation. The genres are there, but they coalesce in an uninhibited fashion, merging autobiography and fiction, poetry and prose, narrative and documentary, and making use of appropriation, sampling, quotation, illustration and other acquisitive techniques drawn from the DIY (‘do-it-yourself’) aesthetic. The ‘voice’ in this writing is very strong, as one might expect, and disallows any easy distinction between author, narrator and character, distinctions which modern literary criticism has been based on, at least in English?speaking countries. And it seems to me that it is the form of the novel that is most at risk, since this new digitally-enabled literature favours the fragment, the vignette, the essay, the shorter and more miscellaneous or digressive forms of writing, over those governed by the larger unities of plot and narrative development.
This is one example of the literary publisher’s need to be conceptual and strategic at the same time. Publishing and selling books in Australia requires the genres to be kept separate and distinct; above all, it is dependent on the novel, as the only literary form which has any prospect of commercial success. An emerging literature which defies these expectations necessarily requires strategic management, as it challenges long-established commercial practices.
My second example concerns the strategies involved in publishing international authors alongside the writers of one's own country, in my case Australia. It is very difficult to know which books to publish from another country, and this is why publishers generally rely on obvious markers of success - choosing books for translation which are already bestsellers and prize-winners in their original markets. My view is, again, essentially a conceptual one. My preference is to publish overseas books that will expand the literary resources available to Australian writers and readers, and open up perspectives that resonate in some way with their own experiences. And I hope that, in return, the overseas publishers I am dealing with will be encouraged to reciprocate, and publish our titles for similar reasons.
At Giramondo, I have been developing a series called ‘Literature of the South’, which is devoted to writers from the southern hemisphere. In part this is a political gesture. It is a habitual reflex in Australian culture to look north for inspiration, beyond Asia, to England, America and Europe - an attitude which perpetuates our cultural deference to the powers that have colonised us. But in the south, there are cultures with similar experiences of colonisation to our own; their own distinctive use of the coloniser’s language and traditions; large-scale immigration; indigenous populations recovering from oppression and dispossession; the same seasons, the same southern skies at night. These historical and geographical similarities must have formative influences on the imagination of southern writers. I particularly admire the formal sophistication of the South American writers, their use of folk material, and their liking for the short form: the story, the essay and the novella. But there is also something else: our mutual experience of being provincial, which I see as a creative strength, not a disadvantage.
Because of its location, as an island, Australia is like a provincial outpost of the world. China, by contrast, is so large, as to be a world composed of provinces. As a publisher, I have been involved in two other developing literary relationships between countries, with India, where the common ground was provided by the similarity in situation between our Aboriginal writers and the Indian Dalit or ‘untouchable’ writers; and for some years now, with China. I remember the excitement when, as the editor and publisher of HEAT magazine, I published poems by Xi Chuan in the late 1990s, and Ah Lai’s story ‘Fish!’ in 2003, along with many other contemporary Chinese writers. I was struck by the freedom and energy of what I took to be a new aesthetic, which opened new worlds to me, and which, however serious its underlying intent, however dark, was always accompanied by a sense of humour and irony. There was also a certain pride in being from the provinces which I wanted to claim for Australian writing too. Since this forum is taking place in Guangzhou, I am reminded that countries have their ‘south’ as much as the world does its hemispheres, and that in Guangzhou itself, this southern orientation is all the greater for its being the gateway for the Chinese migration to the south land of Australia in the nineteenth-century. Does this provide common ground for our collaboration? And if not this, what then?